Playing - Imagine - John Lennon

All donations are Tax-Deductible.


She seeketh wool, flax, worketh willingly with her hands.
Proverbs 31:13

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, comitted citizens
can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has!!
Happy 24th Anniversary Online Angels!!
Celebrating our 24th Anniversary the entire month of May.

As we began this wonderful charity on May 19th, 2000.
We want to thank everyone that has ever donated or helped OA,
in any way in the past 24
We look forward to many, many more years in serving others, one loveghan box at a time!
Thank you!
Royce & Mary Reinhart
Online Angels--uplifting and blessing everyone, one word, one heart, one loveghan box at a time!

Our Everyday Projects
We also send lap-ghans to Veteran Homes, Nursing Homes
along with health and beauty items they can use, and we distribute these
and other items to the Troops through Give2TheTroops.
We also send items to the Reservations, And we don't forget the
little ones! We send handmade items to Children's Hospitals
- all over the US.
Our Annual Projects
We collect and make items for our 4 annual projects.
NEW clothing, shoes, bookbags, and stationary items to help kids go back to school.
NEW toys, board games, clothing, stockings and stuffers for kids at Christmas time!
NEW Stockings, stuffers, and slippers for Seniors, at Christmas time!
Hats, scarves, earwarmers, gloves, mittens, and coats
to ship to shelters, to keep many warm when it is cold outside!
If you would like to help with our annual projects, please email me for more info.
Project Marilyn
Click on Button below to go to Project Marilyn Page.

If you would like to donate items needed, or a monetary donation please
email us or send items to us by clicking the links below.
Your generous donations are tax deductible.
If you would like to make a monetary donation by Paypal or Credit Card
click on the Donate button below.

Whichever way you want, we can help you reach out to someone who will be warmed and touched by your caring.
We're all in this together... Isn't that wonderful?

Every Square counts towards one more Loveghan and one more smile!!!!
May GOD bless each and everyone who help us help others!!!!!!!

Please Support Online Angels Through GoodSearch
What if Online Angels had a penny for every time you searched the internet?
Well, now we can through GoodSearch. have joined forces with Online Angels to help enrich the lives of
others, one love-ghan at a time! Our partnership makes it easy for you
to get tremendous savings at 5,000+ online stores, and support our cause - all at
and Bed Bath and Beyond, you can feel good knowing that your purchases will further
our cause. Remember to visit today and choose to support Online Angels.

Please tell your friends and family members to make GoodSearch their search engine.
It is a great way to support our organization, raise awareness, and to make a difference,
one penny at a time.

Support OnlineAngels by buying Broadway Tickets
to your favorite Broadway Show.

Thank You for supporting OnlineAngels!!!!!

Online Angels Blog

If you have any questions, please Email me.

This website was updated on 1/30/24
ALL PAGES ARE COPYRIGHT © 2000-2024 Online-Angels. All rights reserved.